Monday, March 09, 2009

Mary Datchelor Girls School

If you were at Mary Datchelor in the year that did its A levels in 1975 (particuarly if you were in Miss Traize class in the fifth year) can you get in touch, as a reunion is planned for 21 March 2009.

It looks as if the building has now been re-developed into flats - here are some depressing images.

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1 comment:

Shelleyan Bysshette said...

My heart sank when I saw the photos here .... I'm an Old Datchelorite from the early 70's, and it just seems such a shame that the old place had to go.

I can't decide if I wish I could afford to live in one of the apartments or not ... Also, why re~name it Ruskin Apartments? Surely it could have remained Datchelor Apartments?

It brings back memories of the amazing gallery and pipe organ in the hall, the huge, sweeping staicase in the entrance hall (and the staircase you weren't allowed to use until you were in the 6th form).

I also remember Miss Godwin gathering us all together in the hall when there was a bomb scare once, but not actually finding out why we'd all been assembled there until quite a bit later ... She presumably decided it was the safest place for us all to be!

Those were the (Datchelor) days ...